It’s the morning of day 4 in India, 7:00am. I’ve been awake
for an hour lying in my bed under what I call my hurricane fan, which keeps me
at a comfortable temperature. The mornings are actually cool, however my room
is perpetually warm and stuffy feeling.
I avoid spending excess amount of time in my bathroom for a couple
reasons but mostly because it has no air circulation and I instantly feel the
need to shower again after even simply brushing my teeth.
My room is simple with a small twin size bed, that is not
long enough for me, a nightstand which now holds a few of my things, my desk
which I have attempted to make homey with the one framed picture I brought with
me and a cut up water bottle that holds a few flower bouquets that we have
received over our visits to various schools in the last couple of days. I also
have a counter, kitchen looking area and a closet. My room feels lonely for the
most part but I am finally starting to feel comfortable in it; it doesn’t feel
as foreign as it did the first couple nights. I wake up many times at night
confused where I am, achy as my bed feels like I am sleeping on a piece of
plywood with a tiny blanket for a cushion. There is a phone that rings in the
hallway multiple times during the night and sometimes in the sleepy stupor I
debate going out and unplugging it but instead I switch hips to give the other
a rest from the bed or attempt to lay on my stomach only to have my ribs hurt
from the lack of cushion. I close my eyes and dream of finding cushions to buy on
the busy streets of Loni, tricking myself into believing that my bed is a plush
pillow top as I drift back to sleep for another couple of hours.
I wish I could say I leave my struggles behind when I lock
my door each morning and step out into the fresh morning Indian air, but that
would be a lie. I struggle most days to choke down a little food. Some days are
better than others depending on the spiciness of the food or even the texture.
I am able to eat a little bit and sometimes I enjoy it. Other times I find
myself wanting to make the face of a small child first tasting baby food or a
toddler who cringes as they are forced to swallow their food. This morning my
stomach is hungry as it is most of the time. I am praying that it shrinks
quickly and learns to survive off a small amount of food that I am able to
consume at each meal. These thoughts usually make me sad, not for the reason
that I will not have tons of food to eat or I do not get to have a Greek yogurt
and cereal for breakfast as I wish I could but for the reason that my little
bit of starvation or hunger that I feel is nothing compared to so many people
in this country and around the world that feel this way every day of their
lives and even stronger than I do. My hunger to me sometimes feels like Jesus
sending me a message that my life is not always about me even if in the past 4
days I have been caught up in my uncomfortable bed, my hatred of my food and
lack of internet access as I wish I could contact home. As I lay in bed hungry
this morning knowing that I will be able to have a banana and granola bar from
my room I find myself being thankful that I have even small amounts to eat and
wishing I could help those who feel this physical need on a daily basis.
India has not been what I have expected. I have expected and
prepared myself for poverty, for life in a third world country but something
about this trip has been different, more difficult for me. I sadly have spent
the last couple days making lists in my head of reasons I am regretting
spending 8 weeks of my time here instead of trying to find the positive things
I will gain from living life in India. I have not had the best attitude about
my situations, getting frustrated over the little things. I know much of this
is due to the lack of planning or organization with what we are doing. I knew
going in I would have to have a “go with the flow” attitude but I did not
realize how difficult that would be for me. Yesterday was a bit of a better day
as we finally started our social medicine course work, which sounds like we
will be shadowing in different departments on the campus. There was at least a
little bit more structure to our day and purpose, which has helped.
As I prepared to get my day started before my feet even hit
the ground I silently pray that today will be different that something in me
will break. I pray that even in my doubt, frustration and brokenness that Jesus
will use me during my time in India in whatever way He pleases. I still believe
that He has a purpose for me here, even if that purpose is for me to truly
learn how to depend on Him.
My feet slip into my flip-flops, which are astray on the
floor beside my bed, and another day in India begins.
Thank you for sharing. You write so well.
ReplyDeleteI have total faith you will realize why you are there. Every person you touch will also realize and be thankful God choose you!
ReplyDeleteIt is good to be able to read your updates! So excited to be able to follow things as they unfold for you in India. You are an amazing young woman to be able to reflect and recognize that God is always molding/using you..(Isaiah 64:8 ESV But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand). He definitely has great things in store for you and has a purpose for you...I will be praying for you to enjoy the journey and seek may not have all of your answers right now..but just know (Romans 12:2 ESV - Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect).