Friday fives are something I started doing a couple months back with someone I call my second mom. They were a way for us to find the positive things in our week, finding things to be thankful for in the midst of so many things that do not go our way or things that seemed to bring us down. Friday 5's became our ritual. Some weeks it was difficult to find 5 things that we were thankful for while other weeks we easily listed 5 things off, sometimes even adding to our list.
Our goal was not to simply make it to 5 but to really start to live our lives looking for the positive things, truly enjoying it. It was a way for us to see the beauty of life even in the darkness. And as we continued to hold each other to our friday fives we began to see the good things during the week, truly living and loving them in the moment, making mental notes to remember them at the end of the week so we could enjoy and share the goodness again.
So when things have been difficult here in India and some days Emily and I struggle to find the positive things in the midst of the unknowns and frustrations we decided we would start doing friday fives, hoping that soon we would be finishing our weeks looking forward to reflecting on the many blessings that had been pour down on us during our week, no matter how small they may be. Friday fives are not about the magnitude of greatness but that we find things to love about the life we live. So I encourage you all to reflect on your week, finding the 5 things you are thankful for this week, the things that have been positive (feel free to leave them as a comment if you'd like). And to join me and Emily over the next week, to live your life trying to find those things in the moments, holding on to them, giving thanks for them, and to be able to share next Friday.
Friday 5's for the week:
1. Skype.
- Skype has truly been a blessing for me during my time in India but this week more than anything I have been so thankful for the ability to see and talk to my family and friends. Being able to skype with Shelley this week more than once truly blessed my heart. I really missed talking to my second mom and I needed to be able to let everything out and to have someone encourage me. Plus I was able to see Mimi, my puppy, who tried to kiss my face on the ipad screen (seriously melted my heart). I was also able to skype with one of my best friends, Mandy, this morning. I miss this girl so much. I was a happy girl again, even though I wish we could have sat in our living room at Franny, when we were able to spend a good hour catching up on each others lives and encouraging each other.
2. Traveling this past weekend.
- I am so thankful that the 5 of us girls who are here in India with me were able to spend the weekend traveling the near by areas and sites. We were able to see so many amazing things. Plus we were able to have American style food, which should be a 5 on it's own. We spent our time bonding and enjoying our time and India together.
3. Miracle of life.
- During my posting in Radiology this week Emily and I stood in during ultrasounds. I had been to an ultrasound of my Godson before and had experienced the amazing opportunity of being able to see the fetus developing within it's mother. However, even as I stood there this week viewing so many babies I couldn't help but be amazed again at the miracle of life with a huge smile on my face. To be able to watch the heart beat and see the tiny little babies fingers and toes was honestly breathtaking. I don't know how anyone could stand where I stood and not be thankful for life. It made me excited to become a mother someday and be able to experience even more joy over this miracle.
4. Running.
- I went for my first run this week. After not having ran in almost 4 weeks it was brutal but also amazing all at the same time. I love running and all that it entails- even when I felt as if I was going to collapse and die I felt like I was finding a piece of me that I had lost. It is amazing how much running has changed my life, giving me peace and helping me to release my frustrations- which was really why I needed to start running again while here.
5. Encouragement & support of people in my life.
- After a difficult week with many frustrations I am so thankful for everyone that has supported me and encouraged me. There have been some specific people throughout my week that I have turned to to vent to and to find encouragement from. I truly have been blessed with so many amazing people in my life. I know that I could not be who I am, or where I am without the support, love and encouragement I have received and continue to receive from those around me. At the end of each day, no matter how my day went I closed my eyes being thankful for the people in my life. So for those of you reading this, thank you- I appreciate each and everyone of you!!
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