thought I'd give you all an update on my time in India so far.
guess I should start at the beginning or our crazy travel story. We were
supposed to leave for India on 6/29 at around 3:40pm. I had left diabetes camp
that morning, rushing home to shower, switch a few things from one bag to
another and then headed for the airport. After tearful goodbyes I got in line
to get my ticket. The women working at the ticket line were not very nice. My
bag was over weight and instead of informing me that I could check another bag
they made me pay the $150; I am hopefully getting that money back now. They put
us on standby for an earlier flight since they didn’t think we would make our
connecting flight in Chicago. Wing another girl on our trip was directly behind
me and was told she could not get on our flight. After I argued with the lady
for a couple minutes I finally backed down, still letting her know I was
not happy. Emily and I went up to our gate to find out our flight was delayed
by 2 hours.
stood in line at the gate desk to ask about our connecting flights. After
standing there catching up on our last weeks we finally talked to someone who
informed us that we would not make our next flight and there were no flights
that would be leaving for Mumbai at any location that we could get on until
Monday; we would either be stuck in Des Moines, Chicago or Munich for a couple
days. We decided to stay in Des Moines where we at least had places to stay. I
called Shelley to come get us. Luckily we were able to get our bags back so we
had clothing to wear for the next couple of days. Shelley and Chris took us in
for the weekend since all of my stuff had been packed away at my house. I was
glad to be able to sleep in a normal bed and catch up on a little bit of sleep.
Our weekend at Shelley and Chris’ though not what we planned was really fun. We
went to eat and then to the drive in our first night and to the art festival
the second day. We helped Shelley clean and I took Emily for a walk around my
“second” home’s neighborhood. We grilled out for our last supper in the U.S. It
was a relaxing weekend. I was thankful to have a couple more hours at home.
morning came and we said our goodbyes to Shelley again, this time I did not cry
(I was proud of myself). After checking in (I checked 2 bags this time) we
found out our flight was delayed 45mins. They boarded us in hopes that we would
leave. After sitting on the runway for an hour waiting our turn to take off
they told us it was going to be another hour before we left. Finally we took
off for Newark, a 3 hour flight. We landed in Newark and had about and hour
before boarding for Mumbai. We grabbed some food and called people to say our
last goodbyes. And then we were off on our 14 hour flight to Mumbai, which we
slept most of.
arrived here Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. As soon as we landed and walked
off the plane the wall of humidity hit us- my glasses fogged up instantly.
After retrieving our bags we walked out to what felt like a horse carousel
where people stood with paper signs with names on them. Luckily Em spotted our
names quickly and we were herded towards a parking lot. We loaded our stuff
into a vehicle and took off through the streets of Mumbai. It sounds weird but
as I sat in the back seat with my window down and the smoggy air hitting my
face, with car horns chiming and traffic swerving here and there inches away
from each other, with piles of garbage on the streets, stray animals all about,
tin shacks and scaffolding made of logs I felt at peace- like I was going to be
able to do this. Most people would be panicking taking in short breaths but for
me this was what I knew, and felt comfortable in after spending time in Addis
Abba and Haiti. I wish that feeling had continued once we left the city and
drove into the dark black night.
two drivers did not speak much English so that was a little difficult. Em and I
dozed off here and there until we would come to a stop. Our drivers would pull
over multiple times on the side of the road get out and leave us in the car.
This worried me as one of or stops was in an area where a transgender male to
female came up to our window cat calling us. Needless to say I did a lot of
praying. At one of our stops at about 2 am our drivers decided they needed to
eat. Emily and I were not hungry but after 40mins of sitting on the side of
the road we needed to relieve ourselves- of course there was no toilet so we
grabbed our toilet paper from my backpack and found a spot on the side of the
road- thank God I have an amazing best friend who laughs these things off with
me. So our adventure in India began only 5 hours after enter the country we
were literally popping a squat on the side of the road.
made it to the campus around 5am and were able to sleep until 8ish. Luckily the
others (wing, heather and jill) knocked on our door and invited us to go with
them for the day. We showered, changed and met them after breakfast. We ended
up going to the office of the man who was supposed to come get us, and we are
pretty sure he would not have come if we did not actually go visit him, we
would have been stuck in the hostel all day.
first 2 days were tours or the sugar cane factory, milk producing factory,
alcohol factory and then a million schools The sugar cane factory was cool
since this has allowed Loni to thrive and provide jobs for it's people. It was
interesting how it was self-sufficient and uses all of the byproducts to allow
the factory to have energy. The farmers get a fee for their sugar and also
byproducts of the manufacturing that is used for fertilizer. I loved how the
process was cyclical, helping all aspects of the process.
tours of the schools was where my attitude really went downhill. I just did not
understand the purpose of taking us to all of these different colleges,
universities and primary schools in India and especially when we did not go see
the college of pharmacy- they did not seem to understand why we would want to
see that school. After one day of the school tours I thought I was going to
break down, and we still had another. I kept my patience for the most part, but
I will admit I was not the best sport or team player.
was our first day of our actual "work". We met with one of the staff
to talk about what we will be doing and to see our schedules. I am paired with
Emily for the entire time- Thank God! It sounds like for the first 4 weeks we
will be shadowing different departments on the campus for 2 days at a time. At
the end of each week we write a reflection paper and then at the end we will
put together a larger paper with pictures. It sounds like the certificate in social
medicine stuff is going to be the same as my rotation work, which is a little
sad because I was hoping to have more hands on experiences for my rotations.
However, I am still not 100% sure what exactly we are doing so there is still a
possibility that we will be doing other work. I guess we will find out as our time here progresses.
Emily and I when we couldn't leave for 2 more days.
Finally leaving... Yes wearing the same thing
Children at a School
English and Marathi at one of the many libraries we toured at our school visits.
Looking good in our first Indian outfits.
Art work from the deaf/blind school
Blind children's classroom. They taught us how they did math. Jill and Wing got their names pressed in Braille- it was very cool.
What I attempt to eat most days... or something similar.
being a good sport and eating her food from the mess hall.
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