Friday, May 10, 2013

{yellow house girls #lovemypeople}

aka. my study table girls.

I wish I had more time with each of these girls. And I wish we would have become better friends sooner, but I am still so thankful for each of them and the impact they have had on my life. I am thankful for even the period of time we have been able to spend together.

I am so thankful for yellow house, even in it's smelly state, and all the great memories we have shared together there, studying, eating, taking naps and watching Gilmore Girls. It makes me sad to think there will no longer be time spent between classes on my spot on the couch.

Writing this blog post is hard for me. Part of me knows that our goodbyes are coming soon and apart of me is in denial that in a just a short couple of days our lives are going to change drastically. It is even harder for me because these girls have become my best friends. They are the ones that have been there through the rough and the tough of school. The ones that have celebrated accomplishments with me and helped ease the hard times. These girls make me laugh like no one else can make me laugh. It is around them that I feel comfortable to be completely me, free from all judgement. But I also know it is these 3 will tell me the hard truth if I ever needed to hear it. It is hard for me to think about the future without these girls always present since they are such a large part of my life and who I am now.

I am so thankful for this beautiful girl. For her joy and even for her weirdness.
I have absolutely loved every moment I have been able to spend getting to know Meron. And though it has taken us longer than it should have to become friends I am so grateful for her presence in my life. She has become one of my bestest friends. I do not know what I would do without her. I can only hope that no matter where live takes us in our journeys that we will always be apart of each others lives. I hope she knows how much she means to me and how much she has shaped who I have become. Living life with Meron over the last couple years has truly been the time of my life.
To my dearest Meron,
I hope someday that you are able to see the amazing beautiful Meron that I see when I see you. And I hope that you are successful in all that you do- in which I have no doubts that you will be. I pray that wherever life takes you that you will continue to find happiness, joy and peace. That you will never lose your spunk. I also hope you know that I will always be here for you if and when you need me, and that no matter where life takes us you will always be apart of me and have a special place in my heart. Thank you for making college "one of the best times of my life"! I honestly don't know what I would do without you! I love you lots, mom, more than you know! Thank you for simply being you and being such an amazing blessing in my life.

I am so thankful for this little whitey. Emily never ceases to amaze me. I used to think she was a quiet little girl and oh have I learned a whole new side of her. I am blessed to call Emily one of my best friends. I am thankful for the almost unspeakable amount of food that we have consumed together during study tables over the last couple years. I am thankful for all the laughter we have shared and the times we have spent living life together.
To Miss Emily,
oh where do I start? First off, I am so thankful that someone else has just as many or more shoes than I do! But on a serious note now, I am so extremely grateful for the time I have spent with you. I can only look forward to many more times in the future even if they are fewer and far between. I know without a doubt that the future hold so many good things for you and I cannot wait to watch you shine as a pharmacist someday. I hope that you will be happy in all that you do. And that no matter how near or far we may end up I will always be there for you! I am so excited for all that your future holds for you! May you always be blessed as you have been a blessing to me. Thank you for everything. Love you, Emily!

aka. Drell.
I wish I had a picture with this wonderful girl, but going through stuff I realized I have no pictures with just here. Even still Andrea has been an amazing friend over the last couple years. We have shared so many good memories together, laughing, studying and even at times crying. I am so thankful to be able to share life with her and for the impact she has made on my life.
To Drell,
I know you do not like your nickname and I apologize for addressing you as it, but it would not be the same if I did not call you Drell. I want you to know that you are an amazing woman. I hope that you will find happiness in Minnesota someday, since I know that is where you will be. I look forward to watching you continue to grow as your future unravels before you. I know God has great plans for your life and I am excited to be on your sidelines cheering you on. I am so thankful for your life and the ways in which our paths have crossed. You will always be apart of me and I hope you know I will always be here for you. Thank you for being such a good friend. Love you, Drell! 

I love each one of these girl, and am so thankful to be able to share life with them. I have been blessed with a community that has helped me to grow. These girls will forever have a place in my heart because without them I know I would not be who I am today. For that I will forever be grateful for their lives. I feel extremely blessed by such wonderful friends. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for their lives. As our time together comes to a quick finish and as much as I dread the day we say goodbye, I know that it will never be an official goodbye since these girls have become apart of me and will be with me wherever I go. The tears I shed as I write this are tears of joy over the time I have been able to spend with each of these girls and tears of sadness as this time in our life is coming to a close.

Here is to my study table girls who are more than my study buddies.  

May your futures be bright, and your worries be light on the road ahead.

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