Wednesday, May 1, 2013


As the end of my college (classroom) career comes to an end and a year of new adventures on rotations draws nearer I have come to realize how much around me I will miss. I’ve found myself clinging to the comfortable and holding onto every moment I have with those around me.

Preparing for this transition has been mentally and physically draining but I have also found peace and fulfillment in being able to reflect on how my life has changed over the last 5 years (crazy to admit). Those last 5 years have been a crazy whirlwind of ups and downs, laughter and tears, frights and excitements, disappointments and celebrations, ends and new beginnings. And even through it all I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world! It has been in these past years that I have grown the most, learning who I am and where I fit in the world. I have had my eyes opened with experiences in 3rd world countries and wished to shut them with many losses of loved one.

But looking back on my time at Drake it is not the infinite amount of knowledge I have learned or the places I have gone that have changed me the most, though those are large players in who I am now, it has been the people in my life.
 It is the people I have been able to share life with that have helped me to receive the most out of my time at college and have taught me the most about myself.
It is these people that I will miss the most.
It is these people that I cling to as I count down the days until we separate for periods of time.
It is these people I find myself being thankful for each night as I lay in bed.
It is these people I already miss, as I know I will miss them more as the unknown future destinations draw closer.

So in light of my reflecting, as I lay in bed being thankful for my people, overwhelmed with so many blessings, I have decided to dedicate the next couple blog posts to these important people. To share with you how each of them have a special place in my heart.

Here is to my people who have shared life and grown with me and showed me what love really looks like. #lovemypeople

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