Lately I’ve been a bit stressed- to the point that I am
losing hair like it is my second job; thank God I have a lot of it! I have been
running ramped trying to get things done. Making “to-do” lists that end with
‘on to next list’ or that physically never seem to end- I have post-its
everywhere with things to remember.
My life has become a “to-do” list with me making small check
boxes to cross off.
I get up in the morning, check
Pack lunch, check
Go to
work, check
Make my to do list, check
Check my email (~800 times/day), check
Remember to smile, check.
check, check, check…
A couple months ago my ‘little sisters’ began making their
own checklists on post-its just as their mom and I do. Their lists sounded much
like what my life has become: wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, comb hair,
brush teeth, shoes and backpacks, bus, etc. It motivated them to get ready for a
while and we found it cute how much they felt the need to stick to their
“list”, checking off as they went through their routine. But the problem is, if
we live our lives as a list to be checked off, are we actually living it?
More often than not, I’m simply checking off my list, going
through my motions, getting from point A to point B. I’m living off of a
post-it/notebook/planner, constantly check boxes. I’ve been bombarded by ‘lists’
and not truly living between the tasks.
With my stress level skyrocketing, and learning to juggle
all of my new responsibilities I’ve decided I’m going to make a different kind
of “to-do” list. The idea has been lingering for a while now. However, the
other day I realized how much I need this new ‘checklist’. It was a usual crazy
day and I was running into the breakroom to grab my lunch and inhale it in 10
minutes while doing at least 2 other things, of course, when one of the
maintenance staff asked how my day was. I responded with ‘it’s been good, crazy
though’. It was a short conversation; lasting roughly the 2.5 minutes while
heating my lean cuisine I had packed for lunch that day- I was even too busy to
cut up ingredients for a salad that morning. But what struck me as I left for
my office was what she said to me as I walked out of the room- “I’ll keep you in
my thoughts and prayer, miss. It’ll all work out”. I didn’t divulge my
frustrations, anxiety or worry on her. I simply said it was a crazy day. But she told me exactly what I needed to hear
in that moment. I walked away thinking “blessed”.
It has become the thing to do now, add hashtags (pound
signs, number signs, whatever you’d prefer to classify them as) to just about
everything. And I know there is some #100happydays or #100joyfulday challenge.
But I’ve decided upon my own challenge. It is not going to be about happy days.
It is going to be about finding the blessings in life. Because I believe that
even in my chaos my day should begin and end with the hashtag ‘blessed’. It is
about the coworker who gets you out of your office after 11.5 hours at work, the
card in the mail from your best friend, or the FaceTime date with your family.
Too often I have tunnel vision on the one task at hand and I miss out on my life literally going on without me. But it is not always missing the big picture either. There are times when I am overwhelmed by the daunting dark cloud of everything on my “list” that I fail to see the little glimpse of light that breaks through. Blessings do not always come as big packages wrapped in flashy colored paper with bows and ribbon. Sometimes they are moments, a blink in time, an ordinary thing we take for granted.
So, I am starting a new mini series on my challenge to find
the #blessed moments in my days. I gave it a 30-day period because small steps
turn into large steps and hopefully become a constant. I honestly cannot
guarantee a frequency of how often I will post due to time limits, but part of
this challenge is for me to make the time and see the blessings in my days.
I challenge you to join me over the next 30 days to find your
#blessed moments, people, things, adventures, reminders and so on.
May you always be #blessed, check.
My moment was hearing you describe your "cooling off" time treading water in the ocean, telling how clear the water was, and watching the 2 stingrays swim by. How cool was that. Can't experience that here in Minnesota. Hearing you enjoy and experience your new life makes us very happy and proud #blessed parents. Love You ! ! ! ! !