Thursday, August 28, 2014

{pray it forward #blessed}

One of my best friends declares a word for each year. For example one year it was 'wonder'. It is usually something she spendings time praying about and listening to God for. My #blessed challenge has become my version of declaring a word for a period of time.

I began this challenge because I find myself from time to time walking away from a situation or ending my day thinking of how truly 'blessed' I am. And other times I am so caught up in my stress and all the busy minutes of life I miss those moments. However, there are events like today's #blessed moment(s) when you are hit in the face with the blessings of your life; when the word 'blessed' is literally verbally spoken.

It was another manic monday... oh wait it's thursday... another crazy week where I feel like I am working to the end of my limits to stay afloat with waves crashing in from all sides. Continuing to make 'lists' upon to-do lists. But today, I broke down and let the enemy win my exhausted battle. In that moment of defeat however, there was a light at the end of the tunnel- someone to stand behind me continuing to fight for me and speak truth into my darkness- reminding me that this life I live is not my own and I was created for greatness. That I am loved even in my imperfections. Not only did this person have my back, she called out the lies I was letting run wild. I've learned it is in some of our lowest moments when there isn't much else to grasp onto that we are able to experience God's grace more fully. As I was a tearful puddle in the embrace of my comrade, who spoke directly to my heart, reminding me to 'not forget how blessed I am that the Lord brings greatness even in our weakness', I was washed over with a settling peace. My troubles did not disappear and my angst about my lists did not dissolve but I knew in that moment that the grace of God was enough.

But the holy spirit did not stop there. I was reminded again of the #blessed life I live, and how even when I feel inadequate and incapable of my own struggles I am able to comfort another's. I was leaving work, heading straight for my car with my phone to my ear, letting the amount of work I had to accomplish tonight soak in with a deep sigh. Completely enveloped in my own hole full of struggles when I walked past a woman sitting on one of the benches outside the hospital. I gave a quick smirk to which I was replied with a slight raise of the corner of her mouth. But what caught me off guard was the stream of tears that ran down her cheeks. At first I continued to walk, thinking 'what did I have to give this woman?'- I was a mess myself. I made it about halfway to my car before I pivoted in my stride and made my way back to her. I knew I needed people in my moments of loss and defeat, even earlier that day, and how much it meant to simply have someone stop and ask if there was anything they could do. So, that is exactly what I did. I walked up and sat down next to her saying 'I'm sorry I couldn't walk away leaving you crying on a bench. Are you okay? and is there anything I can do to help?' a million things raced through my head- she could have lost her husband or a child, then what would I say?... The moment I finished my short apologetic offer tears began to stream down her cheeks as she held her tissue to the bridge of her nose. She explained her husband was in open heart surgery and her daughter and son-in-law were inside. She had simply come out to get some air and that she didn't need anything but was thankful for my offer. I rubbed her back and soothed this woman, whose name I didn't even know. As she leaned in to hug me and I said the words I always think in my head, but rarely left slip off my tongue without thinking, "can I pray for you right now?". She shook her head yes as she silently sobbed. I prayed a simple prayer of peace over her and her daughter who had arrived at the scene and for provision during her husbands surgery and recovery. It wasn't an earth shattering prayer. But with my amen she turned to me and said how much of a blessing I was.

I walked away from the bench thinking how sometimes our #blessed moments in life are not only the things that raise us up, make us feel good or change our lives. Sometimes the #blessed moments come from being the blessing, in making even the smallest difference in someone else's. I was able to have experience both #blessed moments today and was able to pray it forward.

May you always be the blessings and forever be blessed.

{30 days of being #blessed}

Saturday, August 23, 2014

{barefoot run #blessed}

This morning I went for a run on the beach. I love that I live on the coast and have a 10min drive to the beach. I got there early so the breeze was still cool. It was overcast on the way there. However, the sun began to peak through the clouds as I made my way down the beach. Running on the beach is difficult but it was worth it as my bare feet hit the high-tide packed sand with an even rhythm, kicking up a little sand behind me and splashing through the waves as the tide periodically encroached upon my route. It was a peaceful morning to reflect on my week and relieve some of my stress, letting my worry and frustrations be washed out to sea with the tide as it washed in and out with the waves.

{30 days of being #blessed}

{miss jo jo #blessed}

No matter where I travel I am always blessed by some amazing people, and my transplant to NC has not been any different.

One of my blessings this week has been a coworker, Jo. I am thankful for this woman's presence in my life. For her caring heart, listening ears, encouraging talks and prayers. Her contagious laugh along with her heart of gold makes even the worst days have a little glimmer. And her sparkling blue eyes and smile make you feel at home.

I am grateful for her putting things back into prospective for me this week and for helping me take some time to relax this weekend.

I cannot forget to mention how thankful I am for her big loving hugs. I can't remember the last good hug I have had since leaving home. It is amazing how a good hug can make such a difference!

Thank you my dear Jo for being such a reminder of how blessed I am this week.

{30 days of being #blessed}

{a quick text down memory lane #blessed}

I love my Alaskan Mama, for so many reasons but this week she deserves a little shout out as one of my blessings.

With a 4 hour time difference it is difficult to stay in touch and find a good time to call the other person. However, that does not stop this wonderful Mama from sending quick texts every couple of days simply to ask "how are things going?" I love these, as they are reminders that you are cared for and thought of. This week was no different and I was reminded once again of how even at a distance I was thought of and missed. It was a quick text she sent about how she was thinking of one of our adventures we went on while I was in Alaska, a little less than a year ago.

It was one thing to know that even in the middle of her day I am was a thought that crossed her mind but it also allowed us to go down a short memory lane; bringing up memories and soaking in the emotions we shared. It allowed us to share that moment of time with one another and be together even if not physically.

I love this woman for numerous reasons and am blessed by her continual presence, love, support and encouragement in my life, even from such a far distance. It is a blessing to be thought of and I am thankful for the reminders every so often with her 'check ins'.

I love you, Mama Carol, always! xoxo

{30 days of being #blessed}

{Facetime #blessed}

I hate to admit that one of my blessing this week was technology but it is the truth. I love my iPhone and the ability to FaceTime with all of my loved ones back home. I love being able to spend time with 'my people' to ask them about their days and see their expressions as they tell me about all of their exciting adventures. FaceTime has been a blessing allowing me to be present from afar. I was able to FaceTime with a few of my favorite crazy kiddos this week, making faces with them, hearing about the first couple days of school and blowing kisses goodnight as they headed off to bed. It is the little moments like these that remind me how blessed I am to have such amazing people in my life and for the opportunity to stay connected with them in such a unique way- thank you technology and FaceTime!

{30 days of being #blessed}

{the bestest of friends #blessed}

Earlier this week I was having a downright 'bad' day. The kind when nothing seems to be going right. When all you want to do is hide or give up but that wouldn't solve anything. So, I called my best friend. Though she has a million of things on her own plate and is learning to be a resident herself in Missouri, going through her own transition she was there to listen as I cried on the other end of the phone. She has been a blessing over the last 6 years of my life and I cannot thank God enough for allowing us to become the bestest of friends. I am also thankful that even with being hundreds of miles apart we are able to be there for each other and still share life together- both the good and the bad.

"when you're the best of friends,
sharing all that you discover,
when these moments have past,
will this friendship last?
who can say?
oh I hope,
I hope it never ends,
'cause you're the best of friends!"

I love you, Emily Hanson and miss you like crazy. Thank you for being my blessing... ALWAYS!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

{30 day #blessed challenge}

Lately I’ve been a bit stressed- to the point that I am losing hair like it is my second job; thank God I have a lot of it! I have been running ramped trying to get things done. Making “to-do” lists that end with ‘on to next list’ or that physically never seem to end- I have post-its everywhere with things to remember.

My life has become a “to-do” list with me making small check boxes to cross off.
I get up in the morning, check
Pack lunch, check
Go to work, check
Make my to do list, check 
Check my email (~800 times/day), check
Remember to smile, check.
check, check, check…

A couple months ago my ‘little sisters’ began making their own checklists on post-its just as their mom and I do. Their lists sounded much like what my life has become: wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, comb hair, brush teeth, shoes and backpacks, bus, etc. It motivated them to get ready for a while and we found it cute how much they felt the need to stick to their “list”, checking off as they went through their routine. But the problem is, if we live our lives as a list to be checked off, are we actually living it?       

More often than not, I’m simply checking off my list, going through my motions, getting from point A to point B. I’m living off of a post-it/notebook/planner, constantly check boxes. I’ve been bombarded by ‘lists’ and not truly living between the tasks.

With my stress level skyrocketing, and learning to juggle all of my new responsibilities I’ve decided I’m going to make a different kind of “to-do” list. The idea has been lingering for a while now. However, the other day I realized how much I need this new ‘checklist’. It was a usual crazy day and I was running into the breakroom to grab my lunch and inhale it in 10 minutes while doing at least 2 other things, of course, when one of the maintenance staff asked how my day was. I responded with ‘it’s been good, crazy though’. It was a short conversation; lasting roughly the 2.5 minutes while heating my lean cuisine I had packed for lunch that day- I was even too busy to cut up ingredients for a salad that morning. But what struck me as I left for my office was what she said to me as I walked out of the room- “I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayer, miss. It’ll all work out”. I didn’t divulge my frustrations, anxiety or worry on her. I simply said it was a crazy day.  But she told me exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. I walked away thinking “blessed”.

It has become the thing to do now, add hashtags (pound signs, number signs, whatever you’d prefer to classify them as) to just about everything. And I know there is some #100happydays or #100joyfulday challenge. But I’ve decided upon my own challenge. It is not going to be about happy days. It is going to be about finding the blessings in life. Because I believe that even in my chaos my day should begin and end with the hashtag ‘blessed’. It is about the coworker who gets you out of your office after 11.5 hours at work, the card in the mail from your best friend, or the FaceTime date with your family.

Too often I have tunnel vision on the one task at hand and I miss out on my life literally going on without me. But it is not always missing the big picture either. There are times when I am overwhelmed by the daunting dark cloud of everything on my “list” that I fail to see the little glimpse of light that breaks through. Blessings do not always come as big packages wrapped in flashy colored paper with bows and ribbon. Sometimes they are moments, a blink in time, an ordinary thing we take for granted.

So, I am starting a new mini series on my challenge to find the #blessed moments in my days. I gave it a 30-day period because small steps turn into large steps and hopefully become a constant. I honestly cannot guarantee a frequency of how often I will post due to time limits, but part of this challenge is for me to make the time and see the blessings in my days.

I challenge you to join me over the next 30 days to find your #blessed moments, people, things, adventures, reminders and so on.

May you always be #blessed, check.