Monday, April 25, 2011

{people watching}

i could spend hours people watching. i love watching peoples facial expressions when they talk to their loved ones, new acquaintances, business partners or simply just the person standing next to them in line.

as i sit here at Panera attempting to study i can't help but drift off every so often mesmerized by the individuals around me. its so fascinating to me how everyone can be so different, yet the same. we are all humans and need similar things, food, shelter and in one way or another we need love and attention. we go about our daily lives in many different ways. the person next to me right now probably sits in an office, the lady behind me might be a stay at home mom whose children are in school right now, and then there is me... a college student. though we all do different things and react differently we are all human and have been created by the greatest creator, to experience life.

experience life!? that is what we are created for. but what does that mean? what does that look like? can you experience life through someone else? am i experiencing life through the people i am sitting here watching? lately i've been realizing how intricate and delicate our lives really are. i think we take advantage of them too often. we take advantage of our health and our family and/or friends. we have been created with such amazing functions that we don't remember to be thankful for them until they stop working; until we have lost them. the time we spend with the people we love and care for is just as important. we shouldn't wait to realize they really mean something until its too late and they are gone. we need to open our eyes and love.

i guess as sit here people watching i'm learning how love has a lot of different manifestations. it is not just the romantic mushy gooey stuff we read about in romantic novels or see in movies. love comes in a variety of flavors just like we do. we are all unique. it makes me think of the little ball that toddlers play with that has all the different shape holes and you have to find the right shaped piece for it to fit inside the ball. we are all the different shaped holes that require different shaped love. you can't fit the square piece in the circle. we all require something that is unique to us. its crazy, how love can change specifically for each and everyone of us. it shows how much our Father must love us. for His love to come in so many forms as to satisfy each and everyone of us is beyond belief!

today i am going to be thankful for the love around me. for the ways each person i know shows their love and the ways it speaks to my own soul. i am going to be thankful for the people i have in my life. for the ones that i couldn't live without to the ones that frustrate me from time to time. i am going to be thankful for their life and their differences. i am going to be thankful for my health and not stop praying for the health of others. i am thankful for variety, differences and uniqueness... for the great LOVE our heavenly Father has for us to make each and everyone of us so intricately!

i love people watching, and seeing the heart of the Father all around me, in his creations.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney, this is beautiful! I love the puzzle piece analogy - that we all require love in a similar, but very different way. this is so great :)
